April 9, 2010


It always seems like once I start to feel a little comfortable with things the way they are, that is when they change. I'm beginning to realize a very real truth in the adage, "Nothing is as constant as change."

But even though there is apart of me that fights change, wants to run from it, and wishes that things could always stay the same, another part of me is grateful to be able to face the unknown and the unfamiliar. I've been trying to look at how exhilarating going into uncharted territory can be and am just starting to love the idea that change can bring us opportunities for growth as well as give us amazing new experiences. Alright, alright. I will stop trying to sound all deep and philosophical and just tell you exactly what's gone down the past month:

Change #1 - My parents have gone from being about 1.5 miles away to about 1 1/2 hours away. Last weekend they moved to North Ogden. I know some of you are saying, "Boo-hoo Debbie. My parents live a few states away. At least they are still within a reasonable driving distance." I know Ogden really isn't that far away. I think that what irked me the most about them moving was how sudden it was. There wasn't much of a warning or time for me to digest it. It literally felt like one day I am sitting at their house for Sunday dinner and the next day they are putting their furniture into a moving van. I think the hardest thing about them moving is that I can't just drop by their house whenever I want or go on morning walks with my mom during the summertime. And not only that but I've lost my free babysitters. Truly a great tragedy indeed. But on the flip side, its forced me to dig deep, real deep to find the culinary master within. You see, since Nick is gone in the evenings 5 days out of the week and since we would eat dinner at my parents house on Sundays, the only day I was really able to cook was on Saturday. And to be honest I rarely even cooked then. What can I say, when Nick married me he probably got the least domestic woman in the world. But now I can actually try out some of those recipes that have been collecting dust in my kitchen drawer.

Change #2 - I have been called as 1st Counselor in the Relief Society. Now again I am sure there are some of you mumbling to yourself, "What's the big deal? It's not like you were called as the Relief Society President." True. Very true. But I guess I am one of those people who enjoy being under the radar. I like being known, but not in the limelight. So when the call was extended, it was all a bit daunting at first. I felt scared, overwhelmed, and completely inadequate. After all I have been in the ward less than a year and still feel like I don't know very many people. But after many prayers and talks with some inspired people, I have felt more than ever that this calling is where the Lord wants me right now. Not only that, I have to remind myself that I am not alone. I have the strength of the Lord helping make "weak things strong" AND I have the amazing women in the Presidency. They have been extremely patient with my never-ending stream of questions and incessant inquiries like: "Now who is that? Where do they live?" And every time those little doubts start to creep into my mind, I try to remember where they are coming from. Some of it I know is just my own insecurities, but mostly I know someone is working very hard on me to make me doubt and discredit my abilities. Honestly, I am very excited about this new calling and am grateful for the opportunity to love and serve the woman in my ward.

Change #3 - OK so this one doesn't really count as change because nothin' has happened yet. But I thought some of you might like to know that Nick and I have decided to try for baby #2! It has taken a while for me to be completely on board for this one. Mostly because this time around I know what I am getting into. Those of you who know Toby, know he was NOT an easy baby. He cried A LOT, didn't sleep through the night until he was almost a year old, and just seemed more high maintenance than any baby I have ever seen. For the longest time I would look at baby's in their car seats and say, "Nope. Not ready to take on that yet. The 15 hour days with Toby are enough right now." But all of a sudden something inside of me did a 180. I was holding my sweet 7 month old niece and watching her smile and gushing over her fat rolls and something whispered inside of me, "It's time." Right then I realized I had been hit by the baby arrow and there was no turning back. Suddenly I was looking at pregnant women in stores and instead of feeling sorry for them and their discomforts, I suddenly wanted to be them; I wished I were the one picking out cute, miniature, clothing while waddling around the store. So yeah, hopefully sometime soon I will be announcing that we are expecting a sibling for the T-man. I can't wait!


Colleen said...

You know what? When they announced that you were the new counselor, my reaction was, "Yes! I love Debbie!" It was shortly after that when I realized that it meant I'd be losing you, (bummer for me!) but you will be great.

Anonymous said...

You're an amazing young woman Debbie!! I'm so impressed with all of your news. I didn't know your parents had moved until yesterday. Uncle Lee doesn't keep me in the loop. I know your Mom will love being aroung Laurie and Bev, but she will miss you like crazy. Good luck in your calling. You'll come to love all of those sisters. Baby #2, exciting. Keep us posted! :)Love Aunt Pam

Aleta said...

Good luck with all of the change! I know the feeling - sometimes I just wish nothing would have to change....and it seems just when you're getting comfortable, EVERYTHING changes!
P.S. we should do lunch soon :)

Kristina said...

WOW--big changes! You'll do great as RS first counselor because you are so awesome! And I'm not just saying that! :D
Living far from your parents is hard, no matter the distance. I hope the adjustment isn't too bad for you.
And exciting about trying for babe #2! You know, my mom's first two kids were super hard, and then I came along as the perfect baby. Jk. But I was super easy compared to my brother and sister, so who knows--maybe you'll get your easy one next!

Jessie said...

I am a super slow transitioner. I THINK I like change, but then reality hits, and it takes me a long time to get used to the new things.

As for #1: I benefitted from your parents' move last week! But I totally know what you mean. I don't make it to my parents very often because they live a whopping 45 minutes away (and because things are a little weird between us, but that's for another day). 1 1/2 hours away would be way super worse.

#2: You are perfect for such a calling! What a cute face for all those ladies to see up in front each week.

#3: YAAY! I swear, after having a difficult #1 also, my attitude was more: Let's just have another one while I'm already used to the insanity. But in reality, #2 made my life easier somehow. I hope you find a similar reaction to another one...er...when that news is real.
Good luck!

Debbie said...

Thanks everyone for all the support and sweetness. It really means a lot. :)

Katie McCaul said...

I was excited when they announced you too! you are so nice and will do great:) I am sad I didn't get to work with you very long...but you are on to big and better things! I feel for you about your parents moving...my in-laws are like 15 mins away and they are talking about moving and it sucks free babysitters are the best. Congrats on being ready for baby #2...it is a lot better the second time around i promise. I thought i would never be ready to have another one and this one has been super easy! so good luck.