Now that the weather is S-L-O-W-L-Y giving way to more spring like weather, Toby and I have been taking daily walks around our neighborhood. Can I say that I never realized how therapeutic it is to be listening to your favorite tunes while enjoying the great outdoors? I am completely addicted, so much that I have almost thrown caution to the wind. Literally. After a comfortable, sunny 70 degree day, Utah weather threw us another curve ball and temps plummeted to the 50's, adding some rain and heavy wind. I actually don't mind the rain because it always makes me think of England (it poured non-stop on both visits). But the wind! I can't stand wind!! Wind to me is like someones cell phone going off in a movie theater - its completely
unnecessary and annoying.
Well I was determined to get my walk in. So I bundled up Toby, put in my ear phones and began my defiant stroll, eager to get my endorphin fix for the day. Unfortunately,
as soon as I left our house I realized I had made a terrible mistake: I had locked the front door and left my house key inside! Usually I carry my cell phone with me but decided not to take it along this time. I never use the bloody thing and of course the one time I really need it, I don't bring it with me (
isn't' that always the case?)! Even though I know the whole situation was entirely my fault, I felt like shaking my fist at the gusts of winds that swirled about me and saying: "alright wind, you win this time." So I sat there on my porch for a good 10 minutes talking to Toby and trying to figure out what neighbor would be the least awkward to bother. I absolutely
hate asking people for favors, especially if I don't know them that well. For a minute I actually wondered if I should wait for Nick to come home (he was to be home within the hour for lunch), but finally decided that was probably not the smartest idea since it looked like it might rain again. Feeling completely frustrated and indecisive, I decided to just take a walk, hoping the answer would come. I put in my ear phones once again and cranked up some Tom Petty. I passed a couple of older woman who were talking to each other and dressed as if it was a nice, sunny day. I was somewhat familiar with them; I at least knew their names but still felt totally awkward about interrupting their chit-chat. I slowly walked past them, debating in my head what I should do:
Just ask them if you can borrow their phone, they are not going to care...... No, I will just go around the block once and then ask someone....
ok I can't wait any longer, this wind is torture.... Of course both woman were extremely gracious and immediately let me into their home. With one phone call, Nick was on his way home from school and I was saved from enduring the wretched wind.
Well most of time my little walks are not so dramatic. Usually they go something like this: I am completely lost in my thoughts, sorting through whatever or whomever may be bothering me (if there is anything). Then I scroll through my mp3 player to find a song which best fits my mood and will allow me to unwind. Then I always become enraptured by the beautiful, majestic mountains that are basically in my backyard. Seriously, they never become "just mountains" to me; I am always complete awestruck by them. Then I babble with the Tobe-man and ask him how he is enjoying our walk. He usually just turns around and gives me a big grin and then goes back to observing his surroundings. He is such a funny boy. Most of the time, he always has
something to say (or scream), but whenever we are outside he is completely silent and engrossed in every detail that passes by.
I would love for our walks to continue throughout his childhood. Even when Toby is teenager I can only hope he will set aside his "too cool" disposition for few minutes to take a stroll with his mama. :)