December 1, 2009

Making Christmas...Making Christmas

This year is our first Christmas in our new home. I have loved decorating! My mom kindly donated a bunch of of her old Christmas decorations to us so the only thing we need to buy is Christmas lights (and dang they can get spendy!) and a Christmas tree. I made the suggestion to Nick that we could possibly use my parents old artificial tree and wow, I have never been rebuked so passionately: "Deb, I will never have a fake tree! I grew up with real Christmas trees and that is what we are going to have every year!"

It's funny how in a marriage we each bring our own little traditions and tendencies.

The only mandate for me as far as Christmas goes is that somewhere amidst all the partying and get-togethers we have sparkling cider, beef stick, cheese, and crackers. Mmmmm....this is a must!

So I went scrounging around for some pics of me on my first Christmas and I found a really terrible copy...but its all I could find. I wanted to compare it to Toby's first Christmas picture. What do you think...are we blood? :)

Me (13 months)

Toby (10 months)

And a big thanks for all of the kind words on my last post. You guys really made my day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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